Research Statistics

Research Statistics


The UGR MediaLab and Bibliometrics Unit have united to launch a new and highly innovative project called LiveMetrics. The goal of the project is to display UGR bibliometric indicators and R&D statistics in the most appealing, dynamic and up to date way possible. Focus is placed on three groups of indicators, which are calculated by employing data from the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters): international research production, citation impact and research collaborations.

One of the key characteristics of Livemetrics is the emphasis it places on periodically updating data, enabling users to closely monitor the evolution of specific indicators in a visually engaging way. In order to compliment the more traditional approach of providing statistical analyses, we disseminate relevant aspects of our research and constantly experiment with the way in which we display this research.

Consequently, we ensure that both the University community and the public have access to transparent, up to date and engaging information concerning the status of science and research production at the UGR.

Extensive UGR research statistics and data

To view a comprehensive set of research statistics and data, please consult the following website: