If you wish to obtain information about specific UGR research groups and researchers, you can do so via the following link to the UGR Investiga webpage. Via this link you can explore relevant information about specific research groups, such as:
If you wish to join, collaborate with, or contact a UGR research group, you can also do so via the following link, where you can obtain the relevant contact details by clicking on the Responsable del Grupo (the research group director).
The following information is relevant for those whose wish to apply for a research position at the UGR. It details the administrative procedure only.
You can consult all of the current calls for applications via the following link: Calls for Applications
By clicking on the title of each offer, you can view the specific details and requirements involved (contract type, grant type, duration, salary, required experience/qualifications) It is important to note down the reference number of the offer which you are interested in.
How to apply: First of all you must register as a new user via the online platform Acceso Identificado
Once you have registered, you must then complete the corresponding application form.
You must then submit the following documents online:
1. Application form
2. D.N.I (Documento Nacional de Identidad or N.I.E (Número de Identidad de Extranjero)
3. Photocopy of the qualification required in order to apply (or at least a copy of the document which indicates you have applied for the qualification)
4. Copy of the required academic record (document does not need to be notarised) This must be a pdf document no larger than 1MB
5. Optional documents
Additionally, you may wish to submit other documents such as a CV or courses (completed language courses or complementary academic / practical courses) can also be attached. They must be attached in either PDF, ZIP or RAR format no larger than 6MB.
In order to complete the application process you must send all documents mentioned in points 1-5 by normal post to:
Registro de la Universidad de Granada,
Hospital Real,
Cuesta del Hospicio
s/n 18071 – Granada
The documents must be sent via an official registry. The most convenient way of sending the documents is via the state postal service. The postal service worker must stamp two copies of the application form submitted by the applicant. The stamp must indicate the post office and date. One copy is sent on to us, together with the rest of the required documentation, while the other copy is retained by you, the applicant, as proof of successful submission of the required documentation. The application period at the post offices is exactly the same as the call for applications period established by the UGR.