European Researchers´ Night, which takes place annually, is dedicated to celebrating popular science, fun learning, and to bringing researchers and society closer together. It allows you to meet the heroes of science; in other words, the researchers from different disciplines whose extraordinary work can change our lives. The event is a great opportunity to meet researchers in a friendly environment, interact with them, and discover the ways in which they contribute to society.
This year, European Researchers’ Night will take place on Friday 30th September 2016. The activities are billed as family-friendly and interactive, are open to everyone, and are aimed at those of all ages. The programme encompasses hands-on experiments, practical workshops, science exhibitions, live performances, and exciting educational workshops for children, to mention just a few of the fascinating activities lined up.
In Andalusia, the Night will once again be celebrated under the slogan “Women and men who conduct science for you”, with over 1000 researchers from 15 institutions taking part throughout the region. They will take to the streets and squares of 8 Andalusian cities, offering over 300 activities in total, all of which are designed to bring science closer to society. These entertaining activities cover practically all knowledge areas and will be presented in non-technical language.
European Researchers’ Night in Granada, the biggest annual event of its kind in Andalusia, will take place along the city’s ‘Paseo del Salón’ for the third year running, as well as in the UGR’s Ceuta Campus. The organizers hope to surpass the 14,000 participants who took part in last year’s events. They will offer over 80 diverse activities, which kick off at 10 AM and come to a close at 9PM with a performance by the band Befunkbop.
The Paseo del Salón will play host to 16 stands: nine from the UGR; one from the Zaidín Experimental Station; one from the Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics; three from the Progress and Health Foundation; one from the Health Science Technology Park and one from the Andalusian School of Public Health.
Over 40 different workshops will take place on the night. Moreover, two stands will run over 30 mini-talks, while the European Corner will present 15 cutting-edge research projects, as well as EU programmes designed to support and promote research initiatives. Likewise, the Corner will examine how local institutions such as the UGR take advantage of these programmes in order to further support their own researchers and make our University an even more attractive destination for international researchers. There will also be a Kids Corner - made up of 7 individual stands - so that children of all ages can get involved in fun and engaging activities.
Apart from Granada’s Paseo del Salón, the UGR’s Ceuta Campus, the Alcazaba of Málaga, Plaza Nueva in Seville and Jaén’s Provincial Museum, will also be host to a range of exciting activities in this new edition of the European Researchers’ Night in Andalusia.
So if you are intrigued by how things work, are naturally inquisitive, or would like to learn more about the pivotal role science plays in our lives, please join us for European Researchers' Night in Granada on Friday 30th September 2016!
Date: 30th September 2016
Time: 10:00-21:00
Venue: Paseo del Salón and Ceuta Campus
In Granada, European Researchers’ Night will be organized primarily by the main institutions found in the province, such as La Fundación Descubre; the University of Granada; the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) via The Andalusian Astrophysics Institute and La Zaidín Experimental Station; the Progress and Health Foundation via its GENYO and BIOBANCO centres; the Eastern Andalusian Foundation for Biomedical Research (FIBAO); the Andalusian Public Healthcare System (SSPA); the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP); the Science Museum and different institutions at the Health Science Technology Park (PTS).
Ana Isabel García López
Directora de la Unidad de Cultura Científica de la UGR. Vice-Rectorate for Outreach
Phone: +34958246606 / +34958249018
Manuel Espinosa Urgel
Vicedirector, responsable de la Unidad de Cultura Científica de la EEZ
Phone: +34958181600
Juan David Rejón
Biobanco del Sistema Andaluz de Salud Pública
Phone: +34958 894 543