The following information highlights some important characteristics of UGR masters programmes that you should be aware of before commencing your studies.
The most significant feature of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is that it not only includes in-class work, but it also takes into account the actual effort the student needs to make in order to pass each subject. Each ECTS credit is equivalent to approximately 25-30 hours of work, including the hours of classroom theory and practice, time spent studying, seminars, internships and projects. An academic year of full-time study at the University of Granada corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, 30 credits per semester (in the University of Granada, a full-time student who is undertaking a degree needs to complete 60 ECSTS credits per academic year, 30 credits per semester)
The Spanish grading system is based on a 10-point grading scale. Marks are interpreted as follows:
0,0-4,9 suspenso fail
5,0-6,9 aprobado sufficient, satisfactory
7,0-8,9 notable good
9,0-9,9 sobresaliente very good, above average
10 opción a M.H.* excellent, honours, distinction*
*Under current legislation, teachers may decide to give a Matrícula de Honor (a distinction with honours) to 1/20th of the students enrolled in a given subject.
The UGR's international grading equivalency table enables you to compare your home country's grading system with the Spanish system.
For comprehensive information about important dates to keep in mind and information concerning term dates, holidays, and exam periods please visit the following For comprehensive information about important dates to keep in mind and information concerning term dates, holidays, and exam periods please visit the following section: